National politicians would be loath to cede authority to a private law court on such a sensitive public policy matter as banking rules; and the risk of financial contagion makes governments unwilling to trust foreign regulatory authorities. 在银行业监管这么敏感的公共政策事务方面,各国政客不会愿意将权力交给一家私人法庭;而金融危机蔓延的风险也让各国政府不愿信任外国监管机构。
YUSUF MUSA recently stood before a court& for only the second time since his arrest last July for alleged cheating, forgery and breach of trust. 尤苏夫?穆萨最近受到一个法庭的审判&自去年七月他因被指控欺骗、伪造以及不诚信而被捕后,这是他第二次就犯。
However, the court upheld his convictions on the charges of embezzlement and breach of trust. 但是,该法庭认定郑梦九犯有挪用公款和背信罪。
Counter-terrorism officials feel frustrated that the succession of court cases, such as the conviction of Mr Khyam and his fellow plotters, is failing to build more public trust. 诸如给Khyam和他的阴谋者同伙的定罪之类的法庭判例的成功,在建立更多公众信任方面失败了,这使得反恐官员们大受挫折。
Trust benefits already obtained by a goodwill beneficiary shall not be affected if the people's court cancels the trust according to the provisions of the previous paragraph. 人民法院依照前款规定撤销信托的,不影响善意受益人已经取得的信托利益。
As the Supreme Court has made clear recently, the public trust extends not only to navigable waters but also to all waters affected by the tides. 正如最高法院近期指明的那样,公共托管财产所有权的范围不仅涉及到可通航水域,还扩展到了海潮所至的所有水域。
A Hong Kong court last month awarded the whole of Ms Wang's fortune to the Chinachem Charitable Foundation, the family-run trust. 上月的一次香港庭审,将龚如心的全部财产判给了其家人运营的信托基金华懋基金。
"The court will not allow a trust to fail for want of a trustee" “衡平法院不会使信托因缺少受托人而失效”
The court stressed that in administering the trust, the state is not bound by traditional classifications of land uses. 法院强调在管理托管财产所有权时,政府不受传统土地使用类型的约束。
In1904, a bare majority of the Supreme Court approved the government action to break up the railroad trust. 1904年,最高法院以勉强的多数票肯定了政府解散铁路托拉斯的行动。
A lower court ruled that his wife was entitled to her share of the assets held in a Bermuda trust. 某下级法院曾判决其妻有权拥有部分存于百慕大某信托公司的资产。
Alston is their best pace-setter and distributor in the open court, and since Brooks has yet to gain Adelman's trust, getting the Rockets running falls on Steve Francis, Mike James and Luther Head. 阿尔斯通是最佳领跑者,进攻中的最佳分球手,而布鲁克斯有待获得阿德尔曼的信任,让火箭跑起来的重任就落在了弗朗西斯,詹姆斯和海德头上。
The qualities of the judges at the grassroots level have a direct bearing on the image of the local court, the sanctity of law as well as the people's trust in law. 基层法官素质的高低,不仅关系到法院的威信,也关系到法律的尊严,更关系到全国民众对法律的信赖。
In the countries of common law, when the third person has dissension with the trust property, the equity court can give relief, so these countries don't found the system of trust publication. 在英美法系国家,第三人与信托财产产生纠纷时可由衡平法院进行救济,因此不设立信托公示制度。
In the judicial practice in China, the court of general liability for fault to a broad understanding of the protection scope, due to the fault to produce all damage, whether natural or interests to protect all trust benefits. 在我国司法实践中,法院普遍对缔约过失责任制度的保护范围作宽泛理解,对于因缔约过失产生的所有损害,无论是固有利益还是信赖利益均予以保护。
In view of expert civil law countries "court assistant" position and its proceedings and judicial cooperation and trust between the long-term, technical evidence the court has a tendency to over-confidence, lack of scientific independence of the investigation. 大陆法系国家鉴于鉴定人的法庭助手的诉讼地位及其与司法机关长期的合作与信任关系,法庭对技术性证据具有过于信任的倾向,缺少科学独立的调查程序。
The effective contact of the Patent Court and the patent administration department in the system should be strengthened, timely changes do not meet the spirit of patent law, patent claims and to strengthen the protection of the interests of the public trust for the patent disclosure document. 而在制度方面应当加强专利法院与专利行政部门的有效联系,及时的修改不符合专利法精神的专利权利要求书,借此加强保护社会公众对于专利公开文件的信赖利益。
In implied right of appeal, because its language is vague, investors filed pursuant to the rules of proceedings, including the causal relationship and a number of specific requirements to be determined by the court. Presumption to trust and fraud market theory were well spent. 而在默示诉权下,由于其语言比较模糊,投资者依据该规则提起诉讼时,包括因果关系在内的诸多具体要求由法院加以确定,从而信赖推定原则和欺诈市场理论得充分运用。
This paper thinks, the trustee trust management authority as basically has the trust affairs, the recognition or request the court discretion to change the trust property management method right, enforce the trust property right to dissent. 本文认为,受托人作为信托管理机关主要有信托事务处理权、承认或请求法院变更信托财产管理方法权,强制执行信托财产异议权。
Court mediation, as a dispute settlement mechanism, has been received considerable trust and expection by both social masses and court staffs. 对于法院调解这样一项纠纷解决机制,不论是普通社会民众还是法院的工作人员,都抱有相当程度的信任与期待。